If you’re signed up for my newsletter, you already know what I’m going to say in this post. You can actually just skip this intro and move through the headings. If you’re not on my email list, why not?! You should definitely sign up and get all the good news before everyone else! Anyways, the last time I did a life update I talked about my move from Cincinnati to DC for grad school in 2017, which feels like eons ago. I also provided a brief explanation of my blog hiatus and why I decided to pursue full-time entrepreneurship. With all the big changes happening right now, I figured it would be fitting to do another life update.


SO. I’m moving back to Cincinnati. Lol. I laugh, and have been laughing since this news became real because I said before I left Cincinnati that I would never move back!

Men plan and God laughs

Yiddish Proverb

Okay, let’s back up a bit. I am moving to Cincinnati because I accepted and started a position at the Center for Social Justice under the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio (ULGSO) last month! To explain how significant this is, I need you to understand that I stopped applying for jobs in March of this year after I got that last no. I decided that I would focus on building my business. I’m not gonna lie, I was content with pursuing my business and this being my main thing and then trying in a year with looking for criminal justice jobs again.

Pink Trench ||
Grey Sweater ||

I did not apply for the position that I now have. Yes, you read that correctly. I. Did. Not. Apply. For. This. Position. Two of my friends from Cincinnati asked me for my resume and I sent it to them like I’ve done before when people have asked. They both shared it with people they knew. A few weeks later, I received a call from my now boss wanting to have a conversation about my intentions and the position at the ULGSO. I had just finished a consultation call with a new client and wanted to go for a walk but figured I’d give her a second to talk about the position. In my mind, I was thinking it was gonna be an explanation of the position and ending with her sending me a link to apply. That’s not what happened. We had an interview for a position that I never knew existed or applied to. We finished the call with her asking for a writing sample and an updated resume that she would forward to her boss.

Three weeks passed by with no word from her and I just assumed that nothing was going to come of it since I’ve been in this position before. It didn’t bother me too much if they decided to move on with someone else because my business was thriving, and still is. Then, I had another conversation about the updated mission and vision for the new organization. I walked away from the call with an offer. Literally, this entire time I’m thinking that that just happen?


COVID has thrown everything for a loop. While I’ve been and will be working here in Maryland for the time being, I do have to be in Cincinnati by December. So, I’ll be moving down then. This gives me time to save up for all the pretty things I want to add to my apartment. And don’t worry, I’ll be sharing all my apartment finds and how I decorate my new space. The beauty of moving back to Cincinnati is the fact that I’m pretty familiar with the area and know the areas that I want to stay. While I haven’t found anything quite yet, I’ve narrowed it down to a few places. Also, I won’t be starting over too much because of the relationships that I still have. If you’re a Cincinnatian reading this, please be on the lookout for, and send me, anything in the East Walnut Hills area. It takes a village, right? Lol

Levitating in Annwood Park


Absolutely nothing. Well, kinda. I will have to drop one of my clients because of the scheduling and I just can’t do both at the same time. However, I’m keeping my other two clients because they work better with my new schedule. Also, I worked my butt off trying to get this business off the ground and there’s no way I’m letting it go now. It just means I have to be very stringent about my time and the clients that I take on. Honestly, I was planning to transition the business to only offer one service as opposed to the three that I offer right now. With this new job, it’s making me move in that direction quicker than anticipated but it’s a great thing for me.

Also, keeping my business running helps to bring in extra income to buy something quickly and get rid of debt faster. With the cost of living in Cincinnati significantly cheaper than it is here, I can see that it would be an easier thing to do. Also, my real estate business with my brother is based in Cincinnati which makes everything so much easier with me living in the city.


I’ve been working in this new role for a month now and I now understand and am glad that it took me 2 years to find a job. You see, a lot of my job is about police accountability and reform – my criminal justice reform passion mixed in with my policy/advocacy love – while also incorporating a lot of things that I do in my business. If I hadn’t started my business and had all this experience, I wouldn’t be able to do my job. God truly worked everything out for my good and in His timing. The deeper I get into the work, the more I look back over the last 2 years and realize that everything happened for a reason.

Black girl standing in front of a blue wall laughing about moving back to Cincinnati
Shooting in front of my favorite blue wall. Fingers crossed it’s still there!

One day, I’m going to share why 2019 was one of the hardest, darkest years of my life. If you’re in a season of confusion, loss, or what feels like you’re in a dark place, keep pushing. Don’t give up. Keep your faith because it will all work out for your good. Trust me. If 2019 taught me anything, it taught me that I’m stronger than I thought. It also taught me that I can survive anything that life throws me. Cause if Candra Roynelle Reeves made it out of 2019 unharmed, I know that you will make it to the other side of your dark season.

I’ve been contemplating whether or not I should put blogging on pause as I get my life together. Though, I think the stress of trying to balance everything on my plate was part of the cause of my recent health scare. But I also like living life on the edge, especially since we’re stuck in the house (blame my Sagittarian nature). Since I haven’t moved yet and most of my stuff is in storage, I think I’ll keep pushing with the blog posts. As I get closer to my move date, I’ll make a decision about whether I should pause blogging.



  1. 11.6.20
    Traphena said:

    Congrats cousin I’m so happy for you! It’s crazy how life works out!

    • 11.6.20
      Candra said:

      Thanks, cuz!! It’s amazing how life works. I’m excited for a new adventure

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