This weekend has been a whirlwind for me. With the outpouring of love about my move and a new president, I’m gonna be riding this high all week! As a Black woman and daughter of immigrants, there’s really not much you can say to me with Kamala’s win (and Joe lol). Watching VP Kamala Harris speak on Saturday hit differently for me. A Black woman is literally leading this nation. We get to listen to a Black woman at the highest level of government for the next 4 years. Y’all really can’t touch Black women after this. We deserve it all – money, clout, justice, and anything else we want! I know today is supposed to be a style post but I couldn’t go another day without getting out my thoughts about what all this means. Also, it’s my blog and I can do what I want! Lol

Even though Joe and Kamala are in, it doesn’t mean Trumpism ends or that there’s no more work left to do. Their win is just the beginning of the work. So, strap up and get ready to talk about what we must do. Today I’m talking hard truths.


We’re celebrating because we, the marginalized groups, have been terrorized for the last four years by Tr–p. We watched as he emboldened and encouraged his supporters to terrorize us without consequence. We celebrate because a heavy burden has been lifted from our shoulders. When I woke up Sunday, I felt lighter; I walked with a pep in my step.

Now, don’t let this celebration fool you. I know not to get my hopes up too much – history has shown us time and time again (look at any time in the history of America) that we can’t trust the system to protect us. Do I think that this Biden win will end Trumpism? No. Will racism and the rest of the isms magically disappear with his win? Absolutely not. But we’re celebrating because we have hope that the incitement of violence and reign of terror has come to an end.


It’s not up to Black and Brown people to end white supremacy, it’s white’s people’s job. 70 million Americans still voted for Tr–p. To break that down even further 55% of white women voted for a man who has shown, through his actions, that he doesn’t care about or respect women. That’s UP 3% from 2016! It’s clear that this summer when all the black squares were posted and everyone “listened and learned” that it was all performative. Like many other Black women, I was cautiously optimistic about change happening. I was right to be cautious because the 55% reminded me that folks will always pick their privilege over everything. It’s been happening since slave days and it will keep happening until we address this ugly underbelly of white supremacy.

What makes this percentage even more maddening is that despite all of the things that Black and Brown people have endured in this country, FOR CENTURIES, we still fight for a better America. The marginalized groups still came through and literally saved the day. You’re welcome by the way.

I said it in 2016 and I keep saying it: WHITE WOMEN TALK TO YOUR PEOPLE. Seriously. The 55% implies that one/one and a half out of every two white women voted for him who shall not be named. That means, if you didn’t vote for him, that your momma, aunty, cousin, sister, friend, neighbor, or someone you know voted for the continuance of white supremacy and the chaos that been happening these last four years. As a Black woman, it’s not my job, or interest tbh, to talk to/educate my oppressors about my humanity. If they don’t get it by now, they’re definitely not gonna hear it when I say.

White ladies, this is where y’all come in. This is where your allyship moves from performative to real action. TALK TO YOUR PEOPLE. SPEAK UP when someone says something racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and all the other isms when it comes to people of color. We are waayy past being silent, polite, or politically correct when it comes to addressing hate. Y’all have been doing that for the past 400 years. We are tired of your silence. EDUCATE yourselves on how to be anti-racist.

In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist

Angela Y. Davis

EXPAND your circle. If you take a look around your friend group, do you have friends of color? And, no, your coworker doesn’t count because 9 times outta 10, they don’t consider you a friend (ask me how I know). Also, don’t try to have these difficult conversations at work. Especially if the person is the only person of color at your job. If you’re really interested, try to meet them outside of work. Finally, don’t assume that the conversations you have with someone from a marginalized group is the sole voice or experience of that group. Just like Black people aren’t a monolith, neither are Asian Americans, Latinx Americans, Native and Indigenous people, and the like.


All my Georgians, your work isn’t done yet. There are two runoff races in January for 2 Senate seats. I would love to see another record turnout for this vote and to minimize McConnell’s power. If you’re turning 18 before the race, you can still vote in the runoff. The deadline to register to vote is December 7. Please do your due diligence and vote because as you’ve seen this past week, every vote does count.


It’s a beautiful day for democracy. The people have spoken but the people also have to do their job and hold their elected officials accountable for what they promised. Just because Joe won, doesn’t mean we slack off. We press him, we press our local officials to ensure that they are doing their job to root out white supremacy in our institutions. I also shouldn’t only see the marginalized groups showing up and speaking out! White folks, you have to step up, do your part, and put action to your allyship.

“Until we are all free, we are none of us free.

Emma Lazarus