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Hi, My name is Candra and I own this blog. I feel like I need to reintroduce myself because it’s been so long. So, if you caught this post, I talked about taking a break and rethinking things with the blog. Well, I did that and came back to blogging with this post and thought that I was ready to be back but, clearly, I wasn’t because here I am coming back from yet another break.

This post contains affiliate links (read my disclaimer). Thanks for helping me adult! 

girl thinking about the long break
girl laughing with eyes closed and hand on chin
girl blowing a kiss
girl making a confused face


I had awesome content coming out for ya but then life happened. It was nearing the end of the school year and I got caught up with school stuff, graduation things, and a job search which was literally a full-time job in itself. With all of this stuff happening, I didn’t have the time or energy to execute the new content the way that I wanted.

I wasn’t expecting it to take as long as it did to find a job (over a year). Because of this, it put some restrictions on what I could afford to do with the blog. So, I decided that putting most of my energy and resources into looking for full-time work was the best use of my time because I wanted to make sure I had enough to pay my bills.

This break was hard because there was so much stuff that I went through that really did a number on my emotional health. It caused me to pull back from a lot of things and people to deal with everything that was going on. In addition to this, I started second-guessing my worth with all the rejections I was getting from job applications and other personal things that I was dealing with. All of these things really messed with my creativity. So, it was probably best for everyone around that I wasn’t pushing out content because it would’ve been bad.

With this break, I realized how much I missed blogging. Yeah, sometimes all of the work that’s involved with blogging is intense and annoying but I did miss having the outlet to write out my thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

girl with a side eye

Just when I decided on a date to make my triumphant return, COVID-19 hit the world and changed life as we know it. As such, it threw a wrench in my plans to start publishing on the blog. My lease had just ended and I moved in with my aunt and uncle the week before Maryland enacted a Stay in Place order.

With the move and most of my stuff in storage, it put limitations on the types of content that I could shoot myself. Nevertheless, I persisted and grabbed a few items here and there when needed to make do at my aunt and uncle’s house.

I’m happy to report that as we’ve been slowly getting back to “normal”, I have been able to shoot new content. Still not at the point where I feel comfortable to meet up and shoot just yet though.


When COVID-19 hit, the break turned into a full-on sabbatical that allowed me to really get my message clear and my creative juices flowing again and I was able to brainstorm content for an entire year!

I decided to make some minor changes to the site that make me happy until a redesign occurs. With these minor tweaks, I also decided to start taking my blog more seriously and treat it with the respect that it deserves.

To do this, I decided to hold myself accountable by posting the schedule for the blog. I will post 3 days a week. But I will have the fashion/style content posted only on Mondays. Anything that falls into the natural hair or beauty category will be posted on Wednesdays, and anything that falls in the lifestyle category will be posted on Fridays. I will also continue to do CurrentlyCancan once a month, but instead of breaking it out by topic, I will talk about new things that I’m doing/did for the month.

girl laughing with eyes closed

I’m also creating two new categories: CanCan Restyled and Look of the Day. CanCan Restyled will occur once a month where I pick an item from an older post and restyle it. I’ll be sharing my look of the day on Cancan Daily in order to connect my Instagram with my blog. These will be on the blog daily with links to all items, or similar items.

Before the break, I started sharing Bloopers from my style post shoots. It’s been great to get more use out of the photos that I have instead of leaving them on the computer for who knows how long.

I have planned out my content for the rest of the year. So there’s no likelihood that I will be taking a break anytime soon. Unless, of course, I give y’all a heads up.

Thanks so much for kickin’ it with me and I’ll see y’all back on Wednesday for new stuff.


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