And just like that, another month has passed us by! Welcome back to another edition of #CurrentlyCancan. This is where I provide stories and all the personal things – that I’m comfortable sharing – that occurred to me over the course of the last month. This month started out with a bang and hasn’t stopped running since. Let’s go ahead and take a look!

This post contains affiliate links (read my disclaimer). Thanks for helping me adult! 


That was my exact thought with I woke Monday, September 28 at 3am with my heart pounding like I just got gone walking up the hill in front of my aunt and uncle’s house. I got up and went to the bathroom so I knew what was happening was real. What was happening you ask? Well, apparently, I was having heart palpitations, unbeknownst to me. I got back in bed and start doing some deep breathing exercises to slow my heartbeat. For the next 45 minutes, my heart didn’t drop below 100 beats per minute. I was freaking out, which obviously didn’t help, because I know that I didn’t just wake up from a nightmare nor was I anxious or stressed about anything. So, why is my heart beating so fast and why won’t it slow down!?

At 4:12 I hit send on a group message to the family because I figured it was time to alert the rest of the house about what’s going on with me to see what my next steps are. My cousin, bless his heart, started freaking me out even more with his Google dive and speculative diagnoses about what was wrong with me. In the midst of his Google search, I decided to call my health insurance 24/7 hotline that I didn’t know existed until that moment. After talking to the nurse who spoke with the oncall doctor about my symptoms, they suggested that I get to urgent care asap.

We pulled up to the urgent care around 5:40am and I quickly make it up and they do all the tests – multiple EKGs, Chest X-Ray, IV Drip, blood drawn – and 6 hours later, I was deemed free to leave. All the tests came back negative and my heart dropped to 74 beats per minute. While my heart rate had dropped, it was still not my normal resting heart rate and it felt like I’d just started a brisk walk. Nevertheless, they let me go still confused about what’s going on. An appointment was made for that Friday to see my primary care doctor for further information.

Friday comes and I hadn’t had another heart palpitation since. I was able to run three times that week so I was feeling slightly nervous but pretty confident. The doctor explained that the palpitations were most likely due to stress but I should keep monitoring because if it happens again, it’s probably something more serious than stress. Since the appointment, I haven’t had any issues with my heart but I have been more diligent about resting when I need to rest.


I’ve been contemplating about creating new looks for my Monday style posts. However, since I don’t go anywhere and I work from home, I’ve been completely uninspired about putting looks together. My daily look is really everything that you see here — a t-shirt, leggings, and a sweater to switch it up. So, y’all gonna get all these looks of me in the same thing, different color, with my sheet hanging on the door. If you are interested in seeing some different looks, let me know in the comments for some inspiration.


Topshop Shirt || Reebok Leggings || NARS Don’t Stop || Jollof Boutique Liberian Necklace