Hey, y’all! Over here in Maryland, Fall busted through with a vengeance! It was summer and then all of a sudden it’s Fall with some Winter tendencies. Even though I barely go anywhere these days (heyy COVID), it’s still important to stay warm and stylish even if you’re just running to the pick up your dinner in old, ratty sweats! Just me? Lol. Every time I think of Fall or even start shopping for Fall, all I can think of are all the fall jackets that can accentuate your look. And the beauty of the coats are you can buy different colors to match your style. I also love that the jackets are easy to layer up for those colder, brisk winters. So, here are the 3 types of jackets that you need this fall!

This post contains affiliate links (read my disclaimer). Thanks for helping me adult! 


Leather jackets (faux or otherwise) are the perfect addition to any fall wardrobe. The beauty of this type of jacket is it is not only reserved for the fall; it’s a great coat that could be worn year-round. Though, I definitely love the deeper colors that you can find when fall rolls around. You will definitely get the most bang for your buck if you add this fall jacket to your closet. Because this jacket can be transitioned year-round, I recommend making this an investment piece. I definitely tend to spend a little more on my leather jackets because I know I’ll wear them for years to come. Plus, I’ve bought cheaper leather jackets in the past, and they just are a waste of money because they start to deteriorate so quickly.

Dark Floral Shift Dress || CancanRoynelle.com
Casual Rocker Chic || CancanRoynelle.com

Here are a few of my favorite leather jackets. Some are actually on my wishlist. As I stated above, most of the jackets you’ll find below are a little more than what I usually share on the blog. But it is an investment piece, so definitely consider spending a little more so that it’ll last a little longer and you’ll be getting more for your money.


I talked about why you need a leopard print coat already, but I don’t mind saying it again. What is life without being a bit extra? A leopard print coat is a perfect fall jacket that allows you to add a pop to any outfit. It also keeps you very warm on those cooler fall days. But if you didn’t get the chance to get one last fall, definitely do it now when the prices are fairly reasonable. My favorite way to wear leopard print coats is the faux fur version. It’s like being wrapped in a giant blanket.

Maroon and Leopard || CancanRoynelle.com
Leather and Leopard || CancanRoynelle.com

I’ve included some faux fur versions of the leopard print coat as well as other jackets that are leopard print. You’ll find some budget friendly coats and some investment pieces. Because leopard is a staple print and neutral, I would suggest making this an investment piece as well. I’ve added my coat for a while and will continue to wear it until the wheels fall off.


Grey Sweater and Midi Skirt || CancanRoynelle.com
Blush Lace Dress || CancanRoynelle.com
Lace and Boyfriend Jeans || CancanRoynelle.com

Finally, the last fall jacket that you need is a peacoat/topcoat. The great thing about the peacoat is it comes in all lengths and colors and it’s a coat that never goes out of style. Especially neutral colored coats. Peacoats or topcoat or whatever you want to call it, are so convenient in the winter and a great add color to the dreary winter months. I’ve found a few colorful peacoats for you to pursue your pleasure. My favorite way to layer peacoats is with other jackets (i.e., a leather jacket) to add interest and warmth.

Green with Envy in High Waisted Pants || CancanRoynelle.com
Green Midi || CancanRoynelle.com
Blush and Khaki || CancanRoynelle.com

Peacoats should definitely be an investment piece in your wardrobe. While you can find budget-friendly coats, I’ve had longer wear from the coats that I’ve spent more than $30 on. I totally get the appeal of not spending a ton of money on these coats, but the coats that I made the investment I’ve had for over 5 years.


This post was originally published in 2018 and was updated/recirculated for 2020.