Is anyone else wondering where August went? I can’t believe we 4 months away from the end of the year!! In the midst of trying to get my life together, time is continuing to slip by. One of the few great things that happened this month is the $10K that Biden gave for student loans. Though I’m still not worrying about those payments for a while, I am happy to see Biden checking off one box of his campaign promises. Anywho let’s talk about August.

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The day has come. I have officially paid for a gym membership for the first time in years. It’s the first time I’m back in the gym in 2 years, and I can’t say I hate it. I joined at the end of July and have been going three days a week. The one thing I absolutely had about starting again is how sore I am! It feels as if I’ve been sore for the entire month. 😩But neverthelesss, she persisted. While I am still really tight and sore, I have noticed that heavier weights are a little easier to lift than when I started a month ago. So I’ll be celebrating my small wins over here as I continue to stretch my sore muscles.


After I finished 30 Days of African Print, I took a social media break, that unintentionally turned into a 2 month break. After posting every day for a month, I was completely drained. I had always planned to take the least week break and come back. But September is next week and I still haven’t posted or actually opened many of my social media apps. Honestly? I don’t hate it. Being on this break made we realize how much I used social media to mindlessly scroll. Then from that mindless scroll, I start stressing about all the things I should be doing to stay relevant.

I’ve shared before about how Instagram is not my cup of tea but the push for more video content – aka being a piss-poor knockoff of TikTok – has really worn me out. Because I feel pressured to put out video content, I’m just posting to posting rather than posting things I actually want to. Will I be joining social media again? Probably. But for now, I’m gonna enjoy only having to create content for one platform, which has been amazing for my hectic schedule.


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