What a year 2020 has been. But even looking back at where I was last year around this time, it’s mind-blowing how far I’ve come! I can’t help but think that 2020 isn’t going as bad as this pandemic. For my Thanksgiving post, I decided that I would focus on all the good things that have happened this year rather than how awful it’s been. So, here’s my gratitude list for the crazy year called 2020.


As you know, last month I started a new job that is literally everything that I’ve been looking for. In the midst of a pandemic where hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives, their jobs, their homes, and the security of stability, I don’t take for granted how blessed I am to have found such an amazing job. I also don’t take lightly how blessed I am to have a job that affords me the opportunity to not only work remotely but to work remotely out of state. There are so many people out of work and trying to figure out how to manage this holiday season since the pandemic and I’m so grateful that I get to spend my time with family not worrying about where we’re staying and where our food is coming from this year.


I started to get into this a little bit but I’m so grateful for my family. Both immediate and extended. I am currently staying with my aunt and uncle who were so gracious to take me when my lease ended at the start of the pandemic. They have been an entertaining bunch to get me through this pandemic! The late-night wine and gossip sessions, laughing at the orange idiot in charge, and so much more. I appreciate each and every moment we spent together and am going to miss when I move next month.


I don’t how I would have made it through this pandemic without Facetiming, Zooming, and having socially distanced picnics with my friends. You really don’t realize how good you have it until you can’t do the same things you used to with your friends. I’m grateful for the friends that have turned into family and are the holders of all my secrets. My only wish is to be in the same room so I can hug each person that I didn’t get to see in person this year.


I started my business out of necessity last year and I’m glad that I did. Starting a business taught me a lot about myself and helped me transition to full-time work. I’m grateful for my clients that have entrusted me with their business and allowed me to flex my skills to help them make their business more efficient. I’m excited to see where my business takes me next year and the other clients I will get to work with.

I also want to thank each and every one of you that continue to visit my blog every week or share it on other platforms. If not for y’all, I would be writing all these posts for myself. Thank you for reading so it doesn’t seem like I’m talking to myself on the internet! Lol. I also want to let you know that I am putting the blog on pause until the new year. As my move date is getting closer and we’re hitting the holiday season, it’s just easier to start fresh in the new year. So, this will be the post of 2020! I’ll definitely continue to post on Instagram and Facebook so make sure you’re following me on there.

Have a wonderful time this holiday season!!