Hey, y’all! So, it’s week 5 of the fitness challenge! And I’m making some progress! Every day for two months, I’m doing 50 pushups, 50 crunches, 50 squats, and 75 calf raises. You can catch the first two weeks here and here. Every Tuesday until the challenge is over, I’m going to update you on my progress. Catch up on my progress in week 1, week 2week 3, and week 4.

Also every week, I hope to intensify the exercises that I’m doing just so I don’t get bored and also to get stronger.

Fitness Challenge: Week 5 ||


One month down, one more to go. I finally got through the first 30 days and man was it rough. Whew. For the first three weeks, the circuits that I completed were all the exercises that I did with my body weight. Week 4 is when I incorporated weights and will continue to have weights in my circuit until the challenge is over. The exercises that were completed each week increased in difficulty. Even though I haven’t run like I’ve wanted to, I have definitely noticed changes from when I started to where I am now. For example, I have noticed that all the muscles that I have been working have gotten tighter.

Week 4 was the first week to incorporate weights and I thought I would be really sore but luckily, I wasn’t sore. The exercises were tough but glad I could endure them and not ache too bad. This week, week 5 however, I’m sore! Well, mostly it’s my hamstrings. They are so tight!!

Foodwise, I have been trying to make a conscious decision/effort to eat healthier. Every day is a struggle but I still have 30 days to do better.

In the video, you’ll see the circuit that I’m doing for week 5.


The goal for the next month is to keep increasing the level of difficulty with the exercises, start running (hopefully), and eat healthier.

Don’t forget to use #2monthfitnesschallenge so we can struggle together to get back into shape.

As always, thanks for stopping by!