How is the year almost halfway over? The old heads were right, time speeds by as the years press on. This month has felt heavier than the others because of what’s going on in this country which I feel like I’ve said every month since the pandemic started. It’s like everyone forgot how to act? The mantra of “we’re all in this together” has gone out the window since folks started politicizing a medical issue like COVID. I’m sending virtual hugs to everyone because it’s been a heartbreaking month.


I know many women who have gotten an abortion. The reasons don’t matter. Why? Because it’s nobody’s business. Especially the government. Nowhere is there a law so restrictive of men’s bodies. I cannot believe in the year of our Lord, 2022, and people are still so adamant about regulating women’s bodies.

If you want to claim that your form of Christianity makes you better/more perfect because you’re against abortion, stop the lies and have a seat. If you don’t want an abortion, don’t get one. Simple. You don’t get to regulate someone’s body cause you don’t want one (duh 🙄). My issue is the same “Christians” that claim to be “pro-life” (who have had or paid for abortions themselves 🙄), but they oppose universal health care, child care, paid family leave, or gun reform to protect the 3,000 children that die from GUN VIOLENCE every year. There are tons of children in the foster care system for various reasons but more recently due to the opioid epidemic and COVID. The Black Maternal Mortality rate is 2 to 3 times the rate of white women. But y’all wanna force folks to have pregnancies that aren’t viable or don’t want. Just say y’all hate women.

And when Roe v Wade is overturned, and you live in a state that will ban abortions (like me), there are practical steps that you can take. This book has been helpful with tips and steps that you can do now to prepare for living in a world post-Roe. The one thing you should stop doing immediately is using apps that track your period. Delete them completely. Many apps could sell your data to law enforcement or subpoena it.

One takeaway from all of this is abortion may be illegal, but abortions will not stop. We just want access to safe abortions. That’s it.


As if this month couldn’t get any worse with the news, a white supremacist plotted and killed 10 Black people at a grocery store. An activity that everyone does every week! All we have ever wanted from this county is freedom. Freedom to live. If it’s not the police, it’s white supremacy (which are the same depending on where you are, tbh). The country that claims to be the “greatest in the world” yet can’t protect its own citizens. Y’all are so concerned about saving fetuses, yet it’s in one ear and out the other when it comes to Black life. The same folks who were loud and wrong about being “harmed” when they watched Will slap Chris are extra silent about this massacre. And yes, that’s what it was. A. Massacre.

And, we not going to talk about how this evil man with his high power weapons was able to be taken into custody alive. But when Black people are pulled over, officers start getting fearful for their lives. I’m legit tired of having to write, scream, cry, shout, and get angry about the same damn thing. Can we live?


21 people – 2 adults and 19 children – were killed at a Texas ELEMENTARY school on Tuesday. This all should have ended after Sandy Hook. Honestly, after Columbine is where it really should have ended. This is all simply heartbreaking. I sympathize with the families that lost little ones. Before they even got a chance to see the world. When will this end? When will we see change? Because it’s inhumane and insanity to hope for different results at this point. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). So, save your prayers if you don’t plan to add action, Congress.