I’ve been wanting to use CBD infused skincare products for a while now. But I honestly didn’t know where to start. I also wanted to make sure any CBD item I purchased would be from Black-owned companies. We all know that Black and Brown communities have been affected by the War on Drugs. There are individuals, around the country, still serving time while white folks are cornering the weed and CBD market. But I digress. She Biology, a Black Women Owned Company, reached out to me to try their new CBD-infused Rich Skin Face serum. Of course, I couldn’t pass up that opportunity.

This is a sponsored post by She Biology. All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal opinion.

Rich Skin Face Serum is the newest product from She Biology. The serum is a nutrient-rich, moisturizing oil. The website boasts that the serum helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots and increases hydration levels. A revolutionary blend of glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid,  Omega 3 fatty acids, and 8 easily absorbable seed oils helps to deliver more hydrated, visibly plump, and youthful-looking skin.

When I saw glycolic and hyaluronic acids on the ingredient lists, I was sold.


The research into CBD is still ongoing, however, CBD has been found to have some great benefits when it comes to skincare:

  • Regulates oil production. The overproduction of sebum is thought to be a contributing factor of acne. According to a 2014 study, CBD may have an anti-inflammatory effect on sebocytes, the skin cells that produce sebum.
  • Helps reduce inflammation. As an anti-inflammatory, CBD may be able to help reduce swelling, pain, and redness from existing breakouts, or irritation from skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Hydrates dry skin. Research from 2009 suggests that CBD may be effective for dry, dehydrated skin.


I always like to preface these reviews with a mini disclaimer about my skin. I have never had any major skin issues in my life. It wasn’t until 29 that I begin a skincare routine. I’ve also shared that I didn’t realize that there was a difference between moisturizer and lotion until October 2017. 😅

I say all of this to say, whenever I try new skincare products I look for two things:

  1. Does it make my skin breakout, dry, or do anything that my skin doesn’t typically do?
  2. Does it make my skin more hydrated?

If it makes skin do anything in question one, I know it’s not the product for me. Because my skin is sensitive, I know within a day if the product does not agree with my skin which makes the decision to immediately stop the use of the new product easy. If it doesn’t cause me any issues, I continue to use it to see if it improves the hydration in my skin.

In addition to answering those 2 questions, I incorporate a new product into my routine for a minimum of 3 weeks because you don’t see any real changes until then.

The serum passed the first test with question 1 (above). So the remainder of the review will focus on whether the product meets the needs of question 2.

When I opened the product, I was skeptical when I realized that it was oil rather than a thicker serum like the hyaluronic acid serum I use. The skepticism quickly went away when I saw that it absorbs into my skin rather well. I also noticed that less is more. The more pumps of the serum I used on my face, the shiner my face became. My sweet spot of great skin absorption is with one pump. Any more and it’s hello shiny forehead.

Because of the ingredients and consistency, I used the serum after my Vitamin C and before my hyaluronic acid serum. This was a sweet spot for me in my routine. I also noticed with my continued use how hydrated, soft, and smooth that my skin not only felt but also looked. You can’t tell me to keep my hands off my face if I wanted to. Overall, I’m happy with the Rich Skin Face Serum, and it’s definitely a new staple in my routine. Especially since we’re officially in fall, and my skin needs the extra hydration boost.


Shake the bottle before use because there’s glow mica powder that settles at the bottom of the bottle. This powder allows for a stronger glow. The serum isn’t only for your face, you can apply it to the rest of your body as well! I haven’t tried it on my body since I’m pretty happy with the lotion I use that keeps me very moisturized.

As previously stated, this has a lot of oils in the serum. So, if you have oily skin, I can’t speak to how it reacts with your skin. And the product description doesn’t provide any disclaimers for oily skin types. If you have oily skin, I would proceed with caution.

The official launch date of the Rich Skin Face Serum is October 30th but don’t fret because She Biology is taking preorders now. Use my discount code – CANDRAREEVES15 – to take 15% off your order.