Happy New Year Friends! I’m happy to see we made it to 2024. How we’re in the year 2024, which always felt so far away when I was younger, is beyond me. This is the year of big changes for me, more details to come later, and I’m super excited to try new things. However, can the new year even start unless I share my goals? If you remember, last year, I shared my 7 goals and I am very proud of myself for how intentional I was in starting and achieving these goals. I really like the idea of sharing my goals here to keep myself accountable and revisit them throughout the year. So, let’s get into my 2024 goals.

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash


There were a lot of goals that I achieved – and even overachieved – but there were some that, when I began to embark on them, I realized were very ambitious for me. Either way, I’m happy to have made some progress on all the goals that I set for myself.

READ A MINIMUM OF 3 BOOKS A MONTH – I set this goal for the year because I realized in December 2022 that I could push myself to read more books than I was actually doing. I’m happy to report that I exceeded that goal – as my overachiever self expected – and read a total of 40 books. You can see all the books I read last year here.

TAKE A TRIP AT LEAST ONCE A QUARTER – I can’t believe this happened but it did. I took 8 trips last year; each one was as refreshing as the last. I’m hoping to get to the point where I can take one trip a month, but we gotta start somewhere.

PAY OFF THE LAST OF MY DEBT BY THE END OF THE FIRST QUARTER – Life got in the way of this last year. I had a few unexpected expenses that threw this goal off track. However, I’m sure that I’ll be able to achieve this goal this year.

CREATE VIDEO CONTENT – I didn’t do this because I wasn’t posting much on social media – I quit after April of last year tbh – and wasn’t as consistent on the blog as I wanted to last year. However, I think this is something that’s still achievable for me this year.

INCREASE MY MONTHLY BLOG REVENUE – I increased my monthly blog revenue by the second half of the year. Shout out to everyone who visited, clicked links, and purchased something. I finally created an LLC and separate business account for this. So that’s how you know I’m serious. I hope to continue increasing my revenue this year and more opportunities for sponsored posts.

STRETCH EVERY DAY – I was inconsistent with this goal. I definitely stretched every week, but the daily stretching didn’t always happen. I know how important stretching is because when I was able to do it every day, my body didn’t feel stiff, and working out was a lot easier. This is another goal that I probably should have slowly worked up to it but, there’s always this year.

LEAVE MY HOUSE MORE – I was outside, okay?! One thing you can’t I didn’t do last year was leave my house. I tried a lot of resturants and cool places that were new to me in Cincinnati. I can’t wait to see what other places I discover this year.



I realized last year that I started and stopped on Instagram because it felt forced and there wasn’t a plan. It didn’t feel authentic. As someone who strives to live colorfully authentic, I didn’t love how I showed up on social media. I feel like I’m my most authentic self on the blog but I couldn’t figure out how to translate it to social media. By fall, it hit me how I wanted to show up, and the ideas have been flowing. So much so, I have drafted over 50 posts ideas.

I’ve shared many times why I have a love-hate relationship with social media. Everything feels fake and forced. But I also realized that I never really tried to be authentic let alone consistent. Will my relationship change? I hope so. But now that I feel better about the content I’m creating and how I want to show up, I know I’ll be more confident with it and more open to a new way to view social media. I’m setting this goal for 6 months because I know that if I can show up as my authentic self for 6 months, anything is possible.


Brand collaborations are not new to me. I worked with a couple in the past but haven’t worked with many since. I want to change that because I know that I make good content and want to pitch brands with my ideas. Four brands may be a low goal but given what I need to do to ensure that brands are aware of me, I need to be more conservative with it.


30 Days of African Print was an idea that finally came to fruition two years ago(!!). My goal with the first iteration of this project was to be done, not perfect. Were there things I wished I had done? Of course. Hindsight is 20/20. So, this year, I want to do another edition with more creative ideas, better planning, and better marketing.


This is something that I’ve actually wanted to do since I started the blog. For me, it’s a way to show my appreciation for the folks who read all the things that I post. I’m not sure what this looks like right now, but hopefully, I’ll be able to figure it out before the end of the year.