Hey, y’all! I published this in 2016 and wanted to spruce it up a little bit. I’ve been going through my past blog posts and updating posts that are still relevant but need a slight makeover. I got rid of the old images of me and posted a clearer, single image of myself from a shoot that I loved. The original content was shared the day after my 29th birthday so I decided to share 29 interesting facts about myself. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Yellow Leather Jacket ||


1. I am a middle child.

2. My favorite colors are pink, orange, and yellow.

3. I was born in Washington D.C.

4. I have a calendar dedicated solely for the shows that I watch (Yes, I know that I have a problem).

5. I’m not the biggest fan of chocolate candies – don’t get me wrong, I’ll eat them if necessary- as I prefer sweet candies (i.e., Starburst, Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, etc.).

6. For some reason, people have a hard time pronouncing my name, even though it’s pronounced the way it’s spelled (can-dra). I’ve gotten everything from Cassandra to Kendra.

7. I’ve never had a pet. As I get older, I’m getting the itch to get a puppy.

8. The number 8 is my favorite number.

9. I’ve never traveled out of the country (I’m trying to change this asaputally!)

10. I hate coffee but love Starbucks (I know weird right?). When I go, I usually get the sweet drinks and ask the barista to not add the shot.

11. My go-to cocktail is a gin and tonic.

12. I hate the taste and texture of coconut but love the scent in fragrances, candles, soap, etc.

13. Albanese Gummi Bears are my favorite and the best gummy bears on planet Earth. Period. End of Discussion.

14. I am Liberian (my mom and dad and most of my extended family were born and raised in Liberia).

15. I’ve ran 5 half marathons. I try to run 2 a year.

16. I learned how to play the Flute in school. On occasion, I pull it out and dust it off when I get the urge to play something.

17. My brother and I learned German in school. While we’re not fluent, we still speak/text in German.

18. I was a competitive gymnast and I have the injuries to show (i.e., knee injuries, pulled groin muscles, etc.).

19.  I discovered that I can curl my tongue like a three-leaf clover in 6th grade.

20. I have moles on my face that I refer to as my breckles (black people freckles).

21. I don’t wear much makeup because I really don’t know how (:\). I mostly fill in my brows and wear lipstick. My goal is to learn how to do my makeup before I turn 30.

22. My middle name is longer than my first and last name.

23. In that same vein, my first and last names both have only 6 letters.

24. Last November was my first time going to Disney World

25. I scare very easily, therefore, I don’t watch scary movies or television shows.

26. My favorite vegetables are peas!

27.  I am very awkward. Like, all of the time.

28. All the styles that you’ve seen in my hair, I did myself. Doing my own hair is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I don’t have to pay a ton for it to get done. It’s also a curse- well, more annoying than a curse- because if I don’t do it, it doesn’t get done.

29. I’ve never dyed my hair.

That’s all 29 interesting facts that I want to share! I might do another post with more later.

This post was originally published in 2016 and was updated/recirculated for 2020.


  1. 12.2.16
    Renee said:

    Guten Tag Candra. Wie geht’s?

    • 12.4.16
      Candra Reeves said:

      Es geht mir gut! Ich wusste nicht, dass du Deutsch sprachen!

  2. 12.5.16
    Jaime said:

    Wow, I learned some new stuff!! ?

    • 12.8.16
      Candra Reeves said:

      YAY! I’m glad!

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