This month started intensely and we’re still riding this wave. January has felt like an entire year. From an insurrection to the Game Stop war (that’s what I’m calling it), it’s been a crazy month. Idk if I’m ready to see what February has for us. ? Anyways, welcome to volume 10 of #CurrentlyCancan where I share my thoughts/things I’ve been doing for the last month. You can catch up on previous ones here.

This post contains affiliate links (read my disclaimer). Thanks for helping me adult! 



For the last 23 days, I’ve been trying to find the words to process everything that happened on January 6. I can’t say that I was a lick of surprised that it happened – homie been fueling this since President Obama’s administration with his birtherism movement. BUT I am surprised at the ease in which these white supremacists were able to overtake the building. Having attended several protests and seeing the amount of police presence for a peaceful protest was always alarming to me. But I really shouldn’t be that surprised at the videos of cops opening gates and letting these terrorists in. Policing has always had a white supremacy problem. The police force that we see today was morphed from the slave catchers. Ku Klux Klan members have always been part of the police force. So, unfortunately, while my shock and dismay are present, it beings to slip away when I think about the realities of this country.

One of the many things that’s been bothering me about this attack stems from how tight security is all around the capital, the National Mall, and any of the historical buildings/monuments. As I think about the times where I was in DC visiting the different monuments or even taking blog photos, how tight security was or how, on occasion, security followed me around to ensure that I was not doing anything illegal. It makes everything that happened on the 6th even more enraging. It was a coordinated plan and effort to allow these domestic terrorists to come in and do what they wanted.

If you’re reading this and you were surprised or have said at all during what happened on the 6th: “This isn’t America,” we’re living in two different Americas. America has always been like this. A country founded through genocide and on distinguishing inferior races (both of Indigenous People and African Americans), can never truly erase the hatred that it bred. The America I live in terrorizes Black people and allow murderous cops off without a warning. The America that I live in has forced the Indigenous People to be treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The America I live in separates children from their parents and puts them in cages because they are “illegal.” The America I live in persecutes Muslims for their religion, completely ignoring the Freedom of Religion rights listed in the First Amendment. The America I live in voted for white supremacy and hatred to be in the White House because a Black man was president for 8 years.

It’s time for everyone, especially white Americans, to actively choose to be anti-racist. No longer can you get away with saying, I’m not racist or I don’t know how to talk to my family, I hate talking about politics, or social media isn’t an appropriate place to talk about politics. Social media was the breeding ground for the planning of this attack. If talking about the implications of this attack is not appropriate, then we don’t need to be friends, nor do you need to follow this blog any longer. If you call this anything other than a domestic terrorist attack, stop right now. It was not a demonstration or protest, it was a coordinated attack. The president engaged in an attempted coup and embolden his followers to attack the Capitol Building because he legitimately lost an election. He’s a sore loser, racist, white supremacist that’s a danger to this democracy.

America has a problem, it’s called white supremacy. It’s the root of many evils that we’ve seen played out since the colonists came to this land. Until we (and by we I mean white Americans) address this issue and actually make changes to root them out, this will always be something that hinders true progress in this country.


I’ve finally decided on how I want my apartment to be decorated. I bet you thought that was going to read, I finally finished unpacking. Ha. You clearly don’t know me at all. ? No, I have not completely unpacked. Yes, I am still tripping on boxes. Judge ya mama. One day, the boxes will be gone and I’ll have images to share of my beautifully decorated apartment. Until then, you’ll just continue to hear me complain. ? I will say that I printed some photos that I took for the blog in black and white and they have been hung up. That corner of my apartment looks great and gives me visions of what’s to come.


I’ve been investing in stock on Robinhood for a few years now but only got into options trading last year. Options trading = a risker way to invest that involves buying a contract (100 shares of stock) through a call (you’re betting that the stock will go up) or put (you’re betting that the stock will go down). Everything that’s been happening this week has been one for the history books. The masses turned the tables on the hedge funders and bested them at their game. So, if you have no idea what I’m talking about here’s the quick and muddy version: A Reddit thread alerted their users that a hedge fund was shorting GameStop stock. Meaning = the hedge fund was buying up all the GameStop stock at crazy low prices to then sell for a huge profit. When the Reddit thread alerted their users about what was happening, they declared war and they also started buying GameStop stock to increase the value of the stock. So, Gamestop was once $9 per share (October 2020) and now it’s $193 per share (January 28, 2021). It actually started at $76 on Monday and shot up to $347 on Wednesday before the market was manipulated.

It all came to a breaking point yesterday when many of the trading apps restricted transactions for various stock (GameStop, Blackberry, AMC, Nokia, and the like) – I’m looking at you Robinhood. So many people lost so much money. My cousin sent me a screenshot of his gains (it was good money) before he lost all of it. Since they manipulated the market, a class action suit was filed as a result. Needless to say, I’ll be closing my Robinhood account and moving to one that wasn’t involved in the hoopla.

I said all of that to flex my trading knowledge say that the 99% clearly is fed up with the one-percenters and I’m here for the revolution.



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