Hey, y’all! I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by! September was fun and all but I’m so ready to be done with school. Until then, I will be counting down the days until I graduate. In the meantime, let’s get into what I’ve been doing this month!

Currently CanCan #4 || CancanRoynelle.com


If you’ve been following me on Instagram, @CanCanRoynelle, I’ve been doing a new Instastory series. In order to get myself into the habit of getting on Instastory every day, I present an interesting fact about myself every day of the month of September. The biggest challenge for me is finding 30 facts about myself. Also, I’m an introvert so talking to my phone in public was a hurdle that I had to jump over. While I’m still not that comfortable, it’s been a great challenge for me. When October comes, I’m not sure what I’m going to do because this has become my morning ritual


I have also taken up a new self-imposed diet to get my eating habits in order. I am currently on week two of my diet in which I’m vegetarian for 4 weeks and slowly start incorporating meat back into my diet. This is forcing me to watch what and when I consume food. It actually hasn’t been too bad.

Currently CanCan #4 || CancanRoynelle.com


Now that school is back in session, I typically listen to more podcasts on my commute. I’ve been listening to Insecuritea the podcast hosted by HeyFranHey and Crissle recapping the Insecure episodes. I love their commentary on the different points of the show and they always catch things that I miss in the show. 

Currently CanCan #4 || CancanRoynelle.com


In the same vein, I forgot how much I missed Insecure and how funny it is! Their one-liners, the actors, and the writers make the show what it is! I hate that the season ends SUNDAY! How and why is this show so short?! While I will miss it, I’m glad that the fall tv lineup starts this week so that’ll keep me capitated until Insecure returns!

As always, thanks for stopping by!