Blue and White Ruffles ||
Blue and White ||
Blue and White Ruffles ||
Blue and White Ruffles ||
Blue and White Ruffles ||
Blue and White ||
Blue and White Ruffles ||
Blue and White Ruffles ||
Blue and White Ruffles ||


Top: WhoWhatWear x Target || White Jeans: JC Penny (old) (similar here) || Shoes: SteinMart (old) (similar here) || Purse: Oliva and Joy via TJ Maxx (old) (similar here) || Watch: Michael Kors Parker|| Earrings: SUGERFIX by Baublebar || Lips: NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick in Vintage

Hey, y’all! Blue and white, specifically blue and white ruffles, seem to be the color of the Spring/Summer because I have seen it everywhere and on everyone! I understand why though. It’s such a simple and clean look that’s easy to throw on.

Fashion can be as great as you make it because it’s a way to express your creativity. However, it’s not all a bed of roses. For me, a dark skin woman, fashion hasn’t always been good to me. Growing up, it was rare to find someone that looked like me in magazines or on television. Which, honestly, contributed to me having a late start in life when it comes to makeup and other things.

It’s so great now, though, that representation can be seen more now than before. The industry, as a whole, still has a long way to go. But the fact that the youth of today can look on television or in the magazines and see someone that looks like them is very important. Why? Because the representation matters. If I don’t see someone that looks like me, how do I know and/or believe that I can do or be that?

I learn style from my mother. She is always so put together. Also, a lot of the reasons why I love to incorporate color in all of my outfits is because of my heritage. The traditional African dress is filled with lots of patterns and colors and it doesn’t make sense to me not to wear color.

“Fashion has to reflect who you are, what you feel in the moment, where you’re going” Pharell Willimas

As always, thanks for stopping by!


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