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At the beginning of the year, I decided that August would be my blog comeback. I had an entirely different type of content ready to roll out this month. Due to COVID-19, I’ve completely pivoted to adjust to the new world that we have to operate in. Reading or watching the latest COVID news and seeing the number of deaths, can be heartbreaking and scary. During this time, there have been 3 things that have kept me sane and helped me deal with the stress of the pandemic.

This post contains affiliate links (read my disclaimer). Thanks for helping me adult! 


I’ve been running for about 10 years but only in the last few years have I been comfortable enough to call myself a runner. There is something cathartic about running first thing in the morning and pounding out my thoughts, anxiety, and worries on the pavement. Running in the mornings has always revitalized me and prepares me for the day ahead.

When COVID-19 hit the US and the stay-at-home orders started coming down, it was easy to get wrapped up in trying to understand what was happening and tough to not be terrified about catching the virus. Running allows me, for a brief second, to not think about all the bad that’s in the world.

For me, focusing all my attention on regulating my breathing, running up the next hill, trying not to get lost (just me? LOL), or avoiding foxes or rabbits really helps to relieve the stress of the pandemic. Specifically, it pulls my mind away from the worry of the day and forces me to be present in the moment of my run.


I’ve never been a big journaler. I’ve had many journals that I’ve started & stopped throughout my life because I never really cared to recap my day. Or if I was feeling upset, I typically let the person know why I’m upset with them and move on.

Two years ago, I decided to try a different type of journaling – gratitude journaling. I’m happy to report that this is the longest I’ve gone with a journal. The reason I started a gratitude journal two years ago is that at the end of the year, I would find myself focusing on all the negative things that happened to me that year and neglect the good stuff that occurred.

During the pandemic, I’ve found it to be especially helpful to focus on the good that happened each day. Even if it’s something as small as having a productive workday, I am able to give gratitude for the ability to do something that many are not be able to.


I’ve always been an avid reader. I used to read so much as a kid but as you get wrapped up in the things of adulthood, time evades you and you forget to pick up one of the million books you bought to read. Not sure if it’s just me, but I have a ton of books that I’ve bought that just ends up collecting dust.

Having the extra time to read reminded me how much I subconsciously missed it. The other great thing I enjoyed about reading during the pandemic is on nice days, I was able to sit outside, soak up the sun, and enjoy a great book.

Reading, though momentary, helped me relieve the stress of the pandemic by taking me away to lands and worlds that you get to explore in your mind.

Books I’ve read so far that I would highly recommend:

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

The Patternmaster by Octavia Butler

Linden Hills by Gloria Naylor

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

As we move into Fall and the numbers of the infections are still increasing here in the States, I will definitely continue using these three things to manage my stress. Here’s hoping that we’ll be able to leave the house again without the ever-looming threat of the virus.



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